Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Collaboration with Bad Kitty Corsets - First Look

So asides from battling a nasty virus (drinking copious amounts of hot toddy and sleeping for offensively long hours), this past week or two has seen me collecting images in preparation for my collaboration with Kelly Jane Lamb and her beautiful, hand-made corsets! Half-stealing a couple of Kelly's books, 'Hollywood Glamour Portraits' (John Kobal) and 'Burlesque - the art of tease' (Dita Von Teese) and scouring Pinterest, I have fallen in love with the dark, ethereal images I've come across, this one of Dita being one of my faves:

The stunning Dita Von Teese

Kelly and I met last week to put our ideas together for the first time, seeing which corsets work with which accessories, styling ideas and that sort of thing. Actually putting our products together with inspirational pictures and seeing how well they compliment each other was really exciting, and helped us visualise the final outcome a little better. I didn't realise until I met Kelly with some pictures, that the partially desaturated, selective pallets were characteristic of 1930's photography due to the technology of the time. Unfortunately we couldn't find the pink satin and lace corset so have compromised by adding the fabrics (bottom pic), but here are some images of what we put together:

Idea No. 1

Idea No. 2

Idea No. 3

Discussing the overall theme and appearance, we are now thinking of location, could we shoot in the studios? Would they let us shoot at the beautifully opulent Bar 28 or perhaps even the Lit and Phil amongst the stone busts? Along with fellow friend and studio member Michael McGuire, whose stunning minimalist photography will ensure the final images ooze sophistication, we will (hopefully) soon be venturing on a miniature culture/bar crawl camera in hand! In the near future, will also be looking for size 8 models and a talented MUA who would like to be involved with the project, so more information on this coming soon...

To see more of Kelly's fabulous corsets, check out:




For stunning portraiture, physique and fashion photography, check out these links on Michael:



Melanie xx

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